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Lana • 2 years ago

And I thought mahito and junpei would be friends 🚶‍♀️

Noble Daze • 2 years ago

Its better for him to be friends with Yuuji so he cant turn into a good side and if you watched the intro your gonna see Junpei there hanging out with them

vicky • 2 years ago

Little did he know...

Noble Daze • 2 years ago

Fck yeah thats sad

Dominik2672 • 2 years ago

Bro I need ur pfp

Noble Daze • 2 years ago

I cant post images bruh

Dominik2672 • 2 years ago

Where can u send me that? Mail/ig/discord....

Noble Daze • 2 years ago

Imma tag you

Dominik2672 • 2 years ago

Thank you mf :D

Noble Daze • 2 years ago

Late reply but welcome

Noble Daze • 2 years ago

I live in mountain bro oh wait

Noble Daze • 2 years ago

Sure wait

Someone • 2 years ago

Yeaaa they would’ve had an awesome dynamic :0

Noble Daze • 2 years ago

This didnt age well did it?

blacksparkss21 • 1 year ago

me2 my friend me2

Vitor • 2 years ago

Thats really sad, jumpei's mother was
seemingly precious to him, she feeling and worried so much for his son, and the way
we see she acting toward him resufing to going to school, give off the impression of how much she took care of him and respected his chooses.

I hate to see people beahve like a badass while being surround by friends and when the times come and they have to fight someone who they used to abuse or injure, they look like bitch shruk in the corner crying like baby.

ANIMETOR • 2 years ago

i think they only did that to his mother because junpei told mahito he would maybe loose control and hate him if he did to his mother what he did to the other humans, when mahito asked why he was so calm around the corpses.. he basically gave away what's most precious to him and would fill him with hate if he lost it. so they destroyed it to manipulate him.

RAWRRR • 2 years ago

And they felt it was necessary to use the finger for just that? These fingers might be worth less than they made them seem in the beginning

ANIMETOR • 2 years ago

did you finish the season? do you still think it was stupid to use the finger? :D

RAWRRR • 2 years ago

Yes, absolutely. All they had to do was convince him that his house was cursed by his classmate or anyone in general right? The guy knows absolutely nothing about curses apart from what wannabe Dr Blackjack told him. They could've used a cum rag and he'd believe it. If you're gonna say something like "They stole it back anyway" they had no idea if Mc would've gotten that particular finger first or not. And by conclusion from all angles it was stupid

ANIMETOR • 2 years ago

hm, you do realize that triggering junpei wasn't the goal here, right? telling him about the classmate would do nothing for getting the other fingers. it was to get that finger in the vault. it's called a gamble, i think. and the monk dude knows enough about the old ghosts to be certain they would not allow the kid to snack on all those fingers and vault it up for now.. he risked a finger and won with odds of 6:1. that's a win in my book.

ANIMETOR • 2 years ago


Chuby Cat • 2 years ago

They are evil, what do you expect? lol

Anisa Tajy • 2 years ago

But I think how come a caring mother couldn't see those cigarette burns on his face?

Over Kill!! • 2 years ago

He made sure she doesn't notice?

Anisa Tajy • 2 years ago

How do you hide it that well living in the same house?

Over Kill!! • 2 years ago

I hid many things from my parents lol. Some parents aren't that observant so it is possible.

Anisa Tajy • 2 years ago

But she looked like she loved him and knew sth was going with him, so she was perceptive too

Cayleb • 2 years ago

nahh, you're tripping. She is RESPECTFUL of his son and doesn't dive too deep into what he is doing, that was ooobviously shown and that's not bad either. She never realized and he made sure she never did. It's NOT that hard to hide something like that from your parents, trust me

I was even able to hide the wound in my wrist from my mom, considering its more noticeable compared to the scar in his forehead. If you look at it, he was hiding it with his hair, so I think it was possible for her not to notice it. Especially if you don't always stay with your mom and just spend your time inside your room.

RAWRRR • 2 years ago

Dafaq yall mean she didn't notice, she obviously divorced her husband's abusive ass

Vlad • 1 year ago

I had the feeling that she isn't home that often, at least at times he's up.
She probably works hard and plays harder... and comes home drunk...
She really cares for him, but she knows that she'll never be mother of the year... Plus, she isn't that bright...

Mr.Cookie • 9 months ago

whyd his mom have to die bruh she was best girl for a few short minutes

FunnySunnyDaze • 2 years ago

"I'm sorry..." Of course people only apologize once they're met with the consequences of their actions. Boy, it's too late to apologize, lmao

Nuubier • 2 years ago

Do people ever apologize unless there is a problem? People do indeed only apologize if there is a consequence.

Amirul Ichsan • 1 year ago

This is such blanket statement and purely false. If you bump into somebody do you apologize just to avoid consequences?

muzan kibutsuji • 2 years ago

yh lol

todorin • 2 years ago

noo the mom was so cool:(

InsectSlayer • 2 years ago

Did the comments get cursed?
I don't see any

Noble Daze • 2 years ago


otaku999 • 2 years ago

yeah youre right idont see any .and all of the other anime comments were also dissappeared

Neverdie • 2 years ago

I second that.

₵ⱠØɄĐ © • 2 years ago

They are stuck in the infinity.

Sukopet • 2 years ago


LifeSucks • 2 years ago


GrimJester • 2 years ago

Yo, is he gonna explain his technique every opportunity he gets like Hisoka with his Bungee Gum?

ANIMETOR • 2 years ago

they all do, since it makes them more powerful. as he said, it's like a universal pact.

PUGEPUGE • 2 years ago

The power dynamics is still vague to me. Is it like HxH where the more restrictions you add to your power, the stronger it gets? (Ie. Like kurapika being super strong only against Spider members cos of his set conditions)

Marco The phoenix • 1 year ago

It is kinda similar to nen. By revealing one's cursed technique you lose the advantage of not having your opponent knowing what is does but in exchange it increases the power of the cursed technique. It's like equivalent exchange

muzan kibutsuji • 2 years ago

I am pretty sure some kid has used this as an excuse to shout anime tecniques at school lol